Abstract submissions are now closed.

-Converse with leaders in clinical care, basic science and quality improvement in these populations. 
-Network with national experts.

Please submit an abstract FOLLOWING THE GUIDELINES BELOW. Abstracts should include all the keys points that will be addressed in the proposed presentation. Abstracts should be clear and concise and be no more than 2500 characters. A review committee will rate all abstracts. Ratings are based on content, clarity, and format. Abstracts previously presented may be submitted as long as they have not been published.


For each author, include

-First Name Last Name, Degree
-Organizational affiliations

Abstracts must include:


Maximum characters allowed – 2500 (with spaces)


-Deadline for Abstract Submission: September 16, 2020 at 9:00 am EST
-Notification of Acceptance: September 2020


-Abstracts will be accepted as either a 5 minute virtual "podium" presentation or a poster presentation. 
-To be considered for acceptance, all authors named must complete an online financial disclosure at www.cincinnatichildrens.org/disclosure.
-Conference registration is required for all accepted abstract presenting authors. Registration, lodging and travel costs will be the responsibility of the authors.
-All abstract presentations should be in English.
By submitting an abstract, you agree you are available on November 11, 5pm-7pm ET AND November 14 11am-2pm ET.  This does not guarantee acceptance.


-For all questions, email [email protected].